Asclepius network
Asclepius network
improved usability of electronic patient files

Greetings to all lovers of the cryptocurrency, this time we will talk about the medical world. exceptional performance as a new company with blockchain technology. This article presents three patents that relate to the collection of medical knowledge.
In today's medicine, we see inequality in medical care by region and wealth.
On the one hand, we are witnessing the rapid development of medical care, which is supported by steady advances and discoveries in medical fields such as artificial intelligence and omics. On the other hand, we can not ignore the fact that a large number of people in many parts of the world are struggling to receive basic medical care, let alone genetically engineered single medications. We want to be part of the effort to correct existing inequalities in the world today.
Our mission is to pave the way with our knowledge and experience in information technology to make medical care and the latest technologies available to all people around the world.
We envision a worldwide medical network where every citizen in the world can benefit from the most up-to-date medical knowledge and expertise.
We named the network we envisioned as the Asclepius Network after the ancient Greek god of medicine, Asclepius. Like the Greek gods, we were fortunate enough to be enthusiastically supported by many people.
We are still at the beginning of a long journey, but many who have announced their intention to join the network have contacted us. Our proven track record of patented technology in processing electronic medical records clearly demonstrates our strength in technology.
With the strength of our technology backed by our track record, we have started our project to build this global network from Asia.

Development of the most advanced medical information platform
Our goal is to develop a "medical information platform" for the most demanding medical care. We will achieve this goal through the use of blockchain and encryption technology.
Authenticity: Medical information contains highly confidential information. Information about the most advanced medical care collected for the integration of expertise and knowledge, as well as medical records containing personal information such as diagnostic records and health checks, should not be falsified.
Safety: Patient records and medical information stored in Blockchain must not be deleted.
Availability: Medical information systems that support the most up-to-date medical care need to be run around the clock, without interruption.
Scalability: The system must accommodate exponentially growing medical information, patient records, and health inspection data while maintaining future updates.
The system can only address these challenges through the use of blockchain technology based on cryptocurrency technology.
Medical information about the expertise and integrated knowledge of the most advanced medical care and medical records, including personal health data and health inspection data, must be protected against counterfeiting, especially when authenticity in cases of treatment errors and medical accidents is of great importance , In addition, each record contains information that is very private and private so that it is heavily encrypted. With this technology, Big Data information is verified and safe for operation.
In addition, using blockchain technology prevents data loss when multiple nodes occur in unexpected situations and the medical system can continue working without interruption.
On the way to integrating the most advanced medical knowledge in the world
No matter how good our vision for the Asclepius Network project is, how much information about our medical blockchain system will eventually turn into a large amount of waste, unless we can integrate, manage and use it. Not only will we build a medical blockchain system, but we will also develop software to integrate and use medical information and health care.
This step is the first of our "Asclepius Network" project.
Many may wonder if there are tools that can help doctors and other users in situations like the ones mentioned above. The key to addressing this challenge lies in the services we are now introducing.
Many also wonder if a device can provide medical care for all people on earth. The answer to this challenge can be found again in this service.
This service will serve as the entry point for the most advanced integration of expertise and knowledge that is at the heart of the medical blockchain system.
This is our electronic health record system for all physicians and health promotion applications for everyone.
Information aggregation with ASCAa-ESDM
Our ASCAa-EMR electronic patient records system is characterized by next-generation usability, and we plan to embed diagnostics that support information into the system.
In Japan, the so-called five-minute diagnostic rule has been enforced so that each patient meeting takes five minutes, as required by the country's medical cost system. The aim of this rule is to promote a more thorough examination of patients, which may be shorter. However, the current medical records system is too complicated to provide timely input. The rules therefore do not help doctors spend more time examining their patients. With efficient ASCAa EMR functionality, taking patient records takes only 30 seconds. Our patented technology dramatically reduces the time it takes to create medical records, allowing physicians to spend more time treating their patients.
AI-based diagnostic information
ASCAa-EMR Multilingual
Increased ease of use
Embedded Wallet functionality
Telemedicine must be made possible
Real-time research of the latest pharmaceutical information
Reservation system and insurance case function
The ASCA Token (hereinafter ASCA) is output to be used for various scenes in the Asclepius network.
ASCA will be suspended and 10% of the purchased ASCA will be distributed at the end of each month for a period of 10 months from the month ASCA starts the first exchange.
To increase the value of ASCA, companies operating the Japan Medical Solutions project can acquire ASCA with a profit share in line with their secondary market sales. As the number of users of the ASCAa-EMR and Asclepius Network projects increases, revenues from operations will increase. That is, project growth will increase the premiums for ASCA.
Use companies
Deposit to install ASCA-EMR for the Asclepius Network project
Deposit a deposit to use the medical information infrastructure of the Asclepius Network project
Personal use
Amulet after installing the ASCAa Personal Health application
Discounts on services and purchases through the ASCAa Personal Healthcare Application
the Schedule
The JpMedsn Foundation
Capital of JPY 60,000,000 from the first half of this year
Based on the development of ESCA ASCAa
Capital of 148.78 million yen for the first half of this year
Based on the development of the ASCAa staff
ASCAa EMR version - a released trial in multiple clinics
Introduced the ASCAa-EMR α version, which was acquired during Q1 / Apple App Store Certification
Capital 249,750,000 JPY of H2
Q2 2018
The introduction of ASCAa staff and the launch of a full second quarter promotion
Q3 2018
Introduction of the ASCAa-EMR β version in the third quarter in pilot operation
Q2 2019
Launch of ASCAa EMR and start full promotion in the second quarter
Full distribution of ASCAa staff with ASCA
Make ASCAa Lab in 2Q
the team
Hiroyuki Yamaguchi: Managing Director, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Masakuni Tamura: Director on board, JpMedsn Co., Ltd.
Kazuma Kurokawa: CFO
advisory council
Medical monitoring
Hiroyuki YasuokaMD: Director of Minami Akasaka Clinic
Peter Lingström: Professor / Senior Dental Officer,
Department of Cariology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
sales consultant
Lalit Bansal: Marketing Strategy Consultant
Consultant for marketing strategies
Dmitry Belkov
technology consultant
Bharat Gandass
Monitoring intellectual property rights
Ryosuke Tamura: Patent Attorney, Lighthouse International Patent Firm
For more information click on the following link:
Author: fikal01
Bitcointalk profile:;u=2570080
Wallet address: 0xd0515211D75C416e18Faf1a0B8cBf582b3f8eee4
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