
World's First Gamedrop by Agareum

What is Agareum:

Agareum is an online cryptocurrency multiplayer game platform that allows users to play against each other in head-to-head battles for various tokens that can be taken during each game. This arena represents the petri dish in which cells navigate various obstacles to absorb each other to accumulate tokens to each other. Players are provided the opportunity to play fill their bags through competitive blockchain casual games.

What is Gamedrop?

Gamedrop is an imitation version of Airdrop, which allows Tokenized and Crypto-centered projects to drop their tokens, or coins, directly onto our platform that allows them to be distributed and collected by players who struggle head-to-head to fill their bags! This creates a competitive and fun advantage, where community members can engage with the project and with each other.

How the Agareum Game Works

Before you begin, it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with our 5-part series on how the game works and the general rules that apply to it. One main simple rule is: 

Not too much for that ... If you understand gameplay, then you're halfway there. There will be so many great opportunities for players to learn about new projects and fight with friends, family and strangers for tokens.

Read below about the basics of gameplay and take notes, because everything has started to heat up in Agareum and we have seen a real improvement in player skills!

Benefits of Gamedrop

- Encourage adoption of a cryptocurrency

- Get attention & research encouragement about new projects

- Show the value or ability of the network

- Help maintain community loyalty & involvement

How can I play filling my bag?
Make sure you have registered, and entered. To start playing with other community members, all you need to do is choose a skin and enter the game. Very simple.

Features and advantages:


We integrate Ethereum wallet capabilities, for any ERC20 token, in the AGAREUM platform. This will allow you to collect and store AGR and other third party tokens that are entered into the game. Wallet withdrawals will be opened after we register on the exchange, or after the first 3 months on Mainnet.


Gamedrops is an innovative method for new crypto companies or startups to distribute tokens or provide incentives to community members.

Airdrops gamification leads by creating new ways to engage with consumers and community members to interact with each other. To get access to various Gamedrops that will be hosted on the Agareum platform, we have developed a betting structure for players to generate, and their AGR token HODL with tiered betting requirements for upcoming Gamedrop events.


The Statistics page is there to display all of your game statistics and gameplay. This can be used to keep in mind how many tokens have been won, how many hours have been spent playing, have many games you have played and much more. Share your statistics on social media to get new to the world of Agareum. Other prizes will be distributed to the best performing players, whether it is a weekly, monthly, or even end of year prize for active participants. The time spent on Agareum will not be wasted so watch your statistics!

AGR Token

The AGR token allows a number of ecosystem utilities to enable enthusiastic and competitive gamers to enjoy the benefits of the platform further. AGR tokens offer access to future platform features and enhancements in games, such as custom skins and game enhancements. To get access to upcoming Gamedrops, we have created a tiered risking mechanism that allows access to additional gameplay functions and discounted access to third-party Gamedrops.

The AGR ecosystem will grow as we add new game modes, and new features to the platform. AGR opens the door to all Gamedrops, ultimately opening the door for lots of fun, exciting opportunities to challenge other players and fill your bags!

Each user has an original in the game wallet that will be used to receive, store or withdraw your token. Wallet compatible with ERC-20 will be used to store lots of tokens from Gamedrops, which can then be withdrawn into an external ERC20 wallet at a later stage.

Agareum has a unique distribution structure that slowly "trickles" the release tokens as required by the players for the game being played. The total game allocation of 55% will be released with 1% at a time, starting with the first 20 AGR Gamedrops.


• Concept
• MVP development

• Testnet Release
• Private Alpha Release
• Testing Phase - 1000 testers
• Bounty
• Mainnet Release
• First Gamedrop using our AGR
Ecosystem token
• UI / UX

• AGR Utility Implementation -
Staking for Gamedrop’s ™
• First third-party Gamedrop’s ™
• New game modes
• Fundraising
• Exchange Listings
• Opening of Wallets for Withdrawals
• Partnerships in focus regions

• Extended Partnerships in
Gaming worldwide
• Additional Exchange listings
• In-game store

Complete information :

author: fikal01

Wallet Address: 0xd0515211D75C416e18Faf1a0B8cBf582b3f8eee4


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